Did Ripon College in Wisconsin ban a 9/11 "Never Forget" poster, caalling it culturally insensitive? No, that's not true: There was debate on the campus when a conservative student group placed the posters on campus and some administrators asked the group not to display them, but the posters were not banned.
The story first surfaced in 2018, but a new version was published in an article (archived here) on April 28, 2019 under the title "College Bans 9/11 Never Forget Post Calling It Culturally Insensitive". It opened:
Ripon College in Wisconsin has proved that they care more about being politically correct than the victims of 9/11. They did this by denying The Young America's Foundation from putting up "Never Forget" posters. The School felt that some Islamic students might feel harassed by the memorial posters. So they chose possible hurt feelings over the memory of American lives."According to administrators, the objections were "raised to the administration and the bias incident team about the environment that that [the poster] creates... That because of the focus, in this case relentlessly on one religious organization, one religious group, one religious identity--in associating that one religious identity with terrorist attacks which go back far before 9/11 and after 9/11-- creates for some students here an environment which they feel like they are not able to learn."
The College claims that they are a private institution and basically they can do what they want. The Ripon Administrators felt that the 9/11 poster was too harsh.
The Liberty Eagle, publisher of the lastest version of this false story says in its "about" page that it uses "the best news aggregator technology" to "provide you with news the liberal mainstream media won't report." In other words, the website finds stories on other sites and copies them on its site. Unfortunately, in this case it copied a story that was inaccurate. A number of previous stories set the record straight -- there was no college ban on the posters, which actually were not just about the September 11, 2001 attacked on New York and Washington, D.C. A school representative told other media outlets that the college administration doed not review posters, as stated in the student handbook which anyone can download here.
Ripon College did not ban the posters ... Ripon's posting policy never requires prior approval for posting ... When these were posted last year, it led to a vigorous debate on campus, including counter postings.
The posters also were displayed in 2017 without objection by the school administration, the school spokesman told Newsweek. "Ripon does not have a posting policy, and thus never requires prior approval for posting," said communications vice president Melissa Anderson. "When these were posted last year, it led to a vigorous debate on campus, including counter postings."